Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Thank You to my God for healing & hemming me in

Brookie made it back to her home in Thailand, safe, with 183 pounds of stuff still in her four suitcases overflowing for the orphans. Stay tuned for her date with the orphanage where she will bring to them the gifts from YOU. All of you who "sponsored" the 123 orphans, you all came through the LPM blog with the exception of a small handful of other bloggers. Not surprising! Simply amazing!

I am in a new chapter in my life. And, for my good God to open up friendships for me through blogging blows me away. It happened when I wasn't looking or pursuing or maneuvering my way.

Three friends, at the same time, sent greetings of "The Daily Does" my way....every time I type the word "dose," it comes out does not dose! I transpose things all the time in real life and in real blogging. My three friends who sent encouragement were Sharon, Kim A. and Jenny Hope. And, Alana also, sent me such encouraging words on her blog that touched me deeply yesterday.

Sharon is a wordsmith who has a way with words and loves to dig deep.

Kim A. is so genuine, so grace-filled, so glorious to her good God and to all of us.

Jenny Hope's tongue is the pen of a passionate writer. The beautiful God in Jen gives us hope! I know Jen loves me.

Actually four...Susan is so real to me and I've never ever met her. She has invaded my mind, my heart with desire to live by new nature, not the old.

Alana, the King is enthralled with your beauty. You give us laughter & love.

Thank you Sharon, Kim, Jen, and Alana for passing on to me an encouraging word about my blog. Xandra created The Daily Dose and this is what Xandra says about it.

"Here's to all the blogs that you've discovered that you can't possibly live without. They make you laugh, cry, think and feel connected every time you read a post. They give you a thrill as you see them loading into your browser and you get an equally satisfying thrill when you see that they have commented on your blog."

The blogs that make me laugh and cry and think and feel are the ones I leave a comment I pass a word of encouragement on to every blogger whose blog I visit and leave comments. This has been such a safe harbor for me---oh, the irony of the Internet being "safe." You all have offered me soul blogging hospitality that "Daily Does" two things: Healing and Hemming! God is healing me through your friendships. God is hemming me in, before and behind. Words could never express my gratitude to my good God and to each of you for bringing God to me!

I know I was supposed to honor only five you can pass on the encouragement to your blogging friends. Just copy the Daily Dose logo and pass it on.

And come back on Monday Morning for our Cover to Cover study.


Alana 1/12/2008  

Gotta have my daily dose of Bev!

Thanks for your sweet words!!

SO, SO thankful that Brooke made it back safely!! Can't wait to hear all about her special deliveries to the orphans.

Hope things are better for you today. What is up? Praying for you!!

He Knows My Name 1/12/2008  

thank you bev for your comments. you always make me feel so special and loved as you yourself have expressed you feel thru this thing called a blog. isn't it amazing the encouragement given and received has made such a difference in our lives!! thank you for what you have allowed God to make you into, a beautiful Godly woman with a very tender heart.


Susan 1/12/2008  

You are part of my "more than a daily dose"!

Happy to hear Miss Brooke is safe and sound in Thailand. I can't wait to see pics and hear about our sweet children there! Praying for ALL of them, still.

God knows what we need, Bev. And He knows that you need us. And that we need YOU.

Love you!

Angela Baylis 1/12/2008  

God is SO good and is doing some amazing things through you! Your encouragement to all women is very touching. You are such a blessing to all of us and you are so loved. You are such an inspiration at your knowledge of God's Word. You have Bible verses for every situation. It's an honor to watch!
Much love,
Angie xoxo

Fran 1/12/2008  

Yep. He is just so good! Your baby girl got back to Thailand SAFELY! And, momma is blessed beyond measure. BEYOND measure!
You are loved dear one by soooooo many and I just can't imagine life without Bev.

More importantly, the Father is just crazy about you. When we studied the Tabernacle via Beth Moore last semester, one thing we learned was the fact that the Father and the Son discuss us. Did you get that?? They talk about me and you and everybody. I'd share notes and scriptures with you but I can't find the box with my Bible study workbooks yet!

I love ya! We all do. He does the most!! You are beloved.

Hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs~

annette 1/12/2008  

I don't know if I'll ever figure out the irony of the internet being a safe haven for the sweetest Christian friendships. But it is so like our Lord to turn something totally around, and redeem it.You bless me so, and encourage all you encounter. Blogland is better because of Bev. Blessings, annie


Wow! I love your blog! Found it through "Girlfriends in God" - Patty's Blog.
You have such powerful messages in your much to take to heart.
Thank you for sharing!

Denise 1/13/2008  

...So glad to hear that Brooke is home safe and sound and full of the Lord. I kind of have family in Thailand. My boys father married a Thi girl in 1974 after leaving me and now they live there in Thailand. I see the beautiful pictures that he sends my son and it must be a beautiful place to live. I guess I did not know about the ministry that she is involved in but I will pray for her as she touches the lives of those children...


Michelle Bentham Blogspot 1/13/2008  

Hey Bev,

Just wanted to check in on you. I hope that you are doing okay and that everything is working out for you. I read your post on Kim A's blog and well, was kind of worried about you. You are special, Bev, and truly a blessing to so many. I mean surely - you lend a word of encouragement and you offer your heart for God to everyone you meet. Humility and hope are your trademarks and enthusiasm is your calling card. Just the sound of your voice lends itself to warm fuzzies all over the place. You are a mother and a friend to so many. I hope you are blessed today, this our Lord's day and I am so grateful your Brooke made it back to Thailand safe and sound. Well - stop by when you get a chance an have a wonderful day.

Blessings and Love,

Michelle Bentham Blogspot 1/13/2008  

P. S. You're on my Daily Does...

BethAnne 1/13/2008  

Hey! I came to your blog because of Alana, Janel and Jenny. You come highly recommended! ;-) I have enjoyed reading some of your posts. Like you, I am amazed at how God placed these women (whom I have never laid eyes on in person) in my life and what a blessing they are.

jen 1/13/2008  

Oh girl. You are such a big part of my daily life! Lol! Sometimes I come back two or three times each day to re-read what you've written. I love that I can come each day and see how you are doing and see what God's doing with you. Who knew something called a "blog" could bring so many Christian women together! And who knew that God would use your blog to touch my life the way it does. You're one awesome woman Mrs. Bev!

Patty 1/13/2008  

You are an encouragement to me , too! I appreciate all the sweet and kind words you have left at my blog. I believe God is taking you into a new ministry and you will be able to minister in a HUGE way because of what you have been through, the things God has taught you and actually, you are doing that here!!
See you Monday!

Sharon Brumfield 1/13/2008  

God has been oh so sweet this year to guide me to other women through blogging who love Him too. Women who are not afraid to put the real them out there.
The perspective that they have is necessary and an eye opener. I have longed for relationship with women who want to reach for the deeper things of God. Those who want to pursue a new word. This past year outside of blogdom God has separated me out to teach and reveal to me what is truly in my heart. When there were no women to be found here-- I found them in blogdom. Sweet sisters in Christ who stood with me.
I look forward to getting to know you better as we dig for the deep.I need the deep.

Unknown 1/13/2008  

You are on my Daily Dose for sure! Even though we just connected...I can tell you are a true sister!

So glad your daughter made it safely back to Thailand. What an amazing woman!

Have a great week! I'll be back!

Susan 1/13/2008  

Hi Bev,

So nice to meet you! Yes, I grew up in Gentilly. I moved to Mandeville after I got married and now I'm living in BR since Katrina.

The home I grew up in had around 3 feet of water, and we were in a very HIGH area!

Don't know if you've been down since Katrina, but it's really sad. We have rental property still in Gentilly and 2 sons living in one.

Your blog is so nice. I love all the books you have listed in your bio, I've read many of them myself.

I'll be back!


jennyhope 1/13/2008  


Crystal 1/14/2008  

I'm so thankful that Brooke made it safely! To answer your question my sister is 'vacationing' in Thailand. She is a missionary in China and is on her winter break. She teaches so they don't start class back until Feb. She is in Krabi right now. Because of the expense to come back home for 2 months a few of the teachers decided to go somewhere cheaper and warm! Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife 1/16/2008  

You are such an incredible blessing Bev! Can't wait to hear the updates from Brooke. :)

Much love,


Michelle Bentham Blogspot 1/17/2008  

I sent you an email! You are indeed a blessing!

Praying for Our Friend Joanne Psalm 131:3 Waiting on God. Hope Now. Hope Always.

House of Blessing Tribal Childrens Home

House of Blessing Tribal Childrens Home
"Whoever welcomes a little child in My Name, welcomes Me." Matthew 18:5 We have posted pictures of the orphans receiving their gifts from you. Scroll down to the post entitled "Today Was the Big Day." Many orphans didn't own anything of their own, but now do, because of you.

My Family

My Family
Britt, Blair, Bev, Bob, Brooke, Barrett


I've met some amazing women through blogging. I would love to hear from you. My personal e-mail is:
I have another blog where I blog daily as a small group of us read through the New Testament this year. It's called A String of Pearls. We carry each other on mats (when we just can't walk anymore) to Jesus and sweet things like that.


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