Sunday, January 20, 2008

Monday Morning Cover to Cover

UPDATE: I have posted new comments from me to each of you on the Comment Form.
Thanks so much for praying for me! I do have a pretty severe case of bronchitis and pneumonia. Please pray that I recover quickly. I have a "renunion" planned for this weekend in Houston and so hope that I get to see the young women flying in to be with us. Appreciate so much your prayers---I feel so under attack of the enemy, right now.
Job 32 - 42 and
Genesis 11 - 21

The Book of Job stirs and shakes and stammers my tongue and heart. Our glorious God invites Job to ponder seventy or so questions:

Who shuts up the sea behind doors?
Who gives orders to the morning?
Who enters the storehouses of the snow?
Who sends the lightning bolts?
Who counts the clouds?
Who tips over the water jars of heaven?
Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? 42:5

Job's response: I am unworthy. I put my hand over my mouth. 40:4
I spoke of things I did not understand. Too wonderful for me. 42:3.
My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. 42:5
I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes. 42:6

I would love for you to comment what God stirred in your heart as you read through this book of suffering. Would you be willing to post it on your blog and invite us to read more about what God spoke to you, especially the 22 of you who are part of reading this together. I have prayed for you these truths this week and may God open our eyes as He did for Hagar in Gen. 21:19.

In my mind, I thought God would offer Job His wisdom on processing the suffering Job faced. I also thought God would have to address Job’s demanding spirit. Remember Job 23:3-5—if only I knew where to find God, said Job, then I would state my case before Him and I would find what He would answer me. God was not interested in arguing the case with Job. Case closed. God wanted to reveal His character to Job. The incommunicable attributes of a Beautiful God appearing in a whirlwind whose definition is Psalm 50:3, a place where God came for judgment—that’s the storm.

A couple of years ago, we went through a HUGE family crisis and I hit a depression so severe that I never knew even existed. I deteriorated to dysfunction over 3 months. Literally. Couldn’t stop it. Every day I cried out on the inside for my God, but He was silent, way so silent. Nowhere to be found. But at the end of 3 months, one morning He spoke to my heart and asked me one question—Exo. 4:11. My beautiful God so showed up in my life and intervened from that day forward and I’ve never been the same and am alive in ways I’ve never been.

So, when God showed up with seventy questions for Job, I wonder how Job felt? How devastating that we are so curved in on ourselves and what we think, what we want. God asks multiple questions so that Job can come to his own conclusions about God’s character. God could have told Job---but NO----38:4 “where were you Job?” We’ve heard the question before. Where were you? Wonder where we are this moment? What playful passionate royal rhetoric. Transcendent. Unchangeable. Independent. Omnipresent. Eternal. That’s how God answered Job—incommunicable attributes. He’s not like man. We could never do any of that stuff. His ways are much higher than our ways. He is worthy of our complete trust no matter what He asks Satan to consider for each of us, because of Who He is.

God doesn’t need man but He wants us to glorify HIM. So, I need to settle my faith tonight on God’s character and not park my faith on the pavement of getting the answers I think I need and want which is what He can “do” for me or how He can help me process this thing called life and make my life work while we’re at it. I need to repent just like Job! I am created for HIM not for the best life I can find and make happen. Here are seven thoughts I experienced in reading the Book of Job:

1. REND YOUR HEART. In Job’s unbelievable crises, he tore his robes in Job 1:20 and in those days it meant he left his heart unprotected, unguarded. How I do the same. I’ve thought about Joel 2:13 as we read Job—”rend your heart not your garments.” This a.m. I looked up Joel 2:13, the cross ref was Job 1:20. Wonder what it means to rend my heart tonight right in the middle of whatever I am dealing with.

2. NO PLAN THWARTED! Job 42:2 “I know you can do all things. No plan of yours is thwarted.” There’s a larger story going on than just my life and I want to let God lift my story into His story, His purposes, His plans—no plan thwarted 42:2 even though bad things happen to us at the hands of ungodly people.

3. STAY OUT OF THE COURTROOM. Job 41:11 “Who has a claim against me that I must pay?” Out of my mouth, speaks my heart. My actions reveal what I really believe. How I make people in my life pay for the little things they’ve done to me. Job 41:11 says I try to make God pay when I have a claim against Him.

4. MY EYES SEE YOU. Job 42: 5,6 – “ My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.”
Job was a really great guy to hold fast to God under circumstances that would have fatally flattened most people. In 42:5 Job said “my ears had heard of you” and the Hebrew word for “heard” means listening to reports and rumors like the 3 friends were dishing out. Job borrowed what others said about his God 42:5, just like we do. It so stirs my heart that Job listened to his sovereign God and said: “Now my eyes have seen you, God.” 42:5

5. REPENT. For it’s the kindness of my God leading me to repent Rom 2:4. Therefore I despise myself and repent!” Have mercy on us all, God that we may repent of what we are doing in your Face laying our cause before you. When was the last time I repented?

6. ENTER MY SUFFERING. People position themselves to prevent, circumvent, eliminate, alleviate suffering which happens to us all. Enter the suffering and look for your Love’s Voice, wait for your omniscient compassionate God to show up, maybe in the majesty of a whirlwind. Isaiah 64:4 "God acts in behalf of those who wait for Him." We are waiting on God in suffering, not man. “Do you have an arm like God’s?” Job 40:9. Reminds me of Isaiah 50:2 God’s Arm is not too short to ransom us.

7. MY REDEEMER LIVES TODAY. Job 19:25 “I know that my Redeemer lives and in the end He will stand.” Hey, we don’t have to wait til the end, for He rises today in me and you. My Redeemer lives TODAY. Job 41:10 says that no one rouses God by the way we live but Zech 2:13 He lives among us. Be still all humankind for He has roused Himself from His holy dwelling for you! “Don’t destroy man’s hope Job 14:19 but Job 13:15 - “though He slay me, yet will I hope in HIM.”I cannot wait to get to heaven and meet Job and express to him my gratitude for his courage to keep on going in unfathomable loss and for his surrender when his God showed up. Job’s life so makes me want to see God with my own eyes.

The rest of the chronological reading for this week was in Gen. 11 - 22. One set of verses jumped out at me. I was so touched by verses 21:17-19 where Hagar began to sob for her boy. Somewhere in my mindset, I think that I have to find God and figure out my life and see what I can do to please Him and madly search for Him. Whew! All the while, “God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.” This speaks peace to my soul. A normal day. A common day. But a great God SHOWING UP looking down on a little boy who has no water. God makes a huge proclamation. And in verse 19, God opens the eyes of Hagar so she could see what she needed.

May God open all of our eyes that we may see what we really need—what we are crying out for to our good God this blistery afternoon. Reminded me of 16:13 - “I have now seen the One who sees me.” He is looking down on you this moment and what will we do with that?

Anyone is invited to leave a comment about Job or anything goes. But, I am specifically talking to :
Annette, Helen, Jen, JennyHope, Holly, Fran, 'Nise, Patty, Deborah, Jean, Alana, Mary Lou, Linds, Denise, Angie, Sharon, Kim, Shonda, HollyMark, Bob and Chuck...if you had things come up this week to deter you from all the reading, just jump right back in. No confessions needed. (I keep getting e-mail's saying...I missed this reading, missed this one---it's completely okay cause we are all about coming back to the Word every day to see what He is going to say today. You are so sweet about being so serious about it. No boxes to check off in this reading program! Just a beautiful God waiting on you, waiting to speak to you!!!) What I am saying to you all is that I have prayed these truths of the book of Job for you this week.

May we no longer present our case before God but see Him with our eyes right in the middle of our circumstances. Later, this week, I'll write a prayer from the summary verses of this book (at least I think I will). So, summarize your thoughts on the Book of Job and write a post if you will, and invite us to your blog, and do leave a comment or two or a book chapter right here! However, your silence is always welcomed. Your comments for the past two weeks have been so meaningful, weighty, insightful, sustaining. Thank you for being a part of this reading plan and prayer through the Bible.


Nise' 1/20/2008  

Wow Bev, what you said, "Somewhere in my mindset, I think that I have to find God and figure out my life and see what I can do to please Him and madly search for Him" really spoke to me! That is so me at times, thinking I have to have it all figured out!

My post on this week's reading is here.

Continued prayers for your speedy recovery.

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/20/2008  

Just beautiful words Denise, a river of God's words on your post flowing in you and out of you. Isaiah 45:1 The Message on Job 42:5 is powerfully poignant: crusts of hearsay, crumbs of make me want to taste the living God, Denise by the desires of your heart that are so good. Thanks so much for linking and especially for loving the Word of God! I'm so impressed that anyone can LINK IN A COMMENT~~~~how did you do it?

annette 1/20/2008  

What a week in His Word this has been for me! His infinite and unfathomable wisdom is nothing short of poetry that stirs my emotions to tears, and truth that resonates the deep recesses of my heart. For I know my Redeemer lives and in my flesh, I will see God. Not only through eternity but in this week. May we be given eyes to see and ears to hear. Here are my thoughts to this sweet week of dwelling in His love Story to us. May He lavishly pour Himself on each of you. Annette
PS I'd sure like to know how to paste a link here too--"nise???

Jean 1/21/2008  

Bev, I am sorry but I do not have a blog, so I will have to post my lengthy comments here!

We're summarizing Job, right? I loved, loved, loved the book of Job. It is the first time I have read it all straight through and I even had to go ahead in the readings because I was like a little kid who could not wait for her candy.....I just had to know what happened.

I think my favorite verses were in Job 42 1-6 "Then Job replied to the LORD: 'I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted. You asked, 'Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?' Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. You said, 'Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.' My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.;"

These verses speak so much to me but don't worry I won't type it ALL here!

"NO PLAN OF YOURS CAN BE THWARTED"....This is trust, pure faith and trust to know that God is in control. He can do all things.....if I trust myself to Him I will be in good shape even through my suffereing....if I trust myself to myself, Lord help me and everyone I touch. If I could wrap my heart and mind around "No plan of Yours can be thwarted", then I could feel secure in the details of my life as long as I am truly seeking after Him.

"SURELY I SPOKE OF THINGS I DID NOT UNDERSTAND..." Oh, I couldn't begin to count the times I have done that. I am speaking of things I don't understand with respect to God. I have a friend who says the name Jesus with the most reverence I have ever heard in my life....everytime she says the name.....she knows Her LORD and she comes through in her voice and in her speech. I want to know the LORD in such an intimate way that when I speak of Him my voice will be full of reverence and love.

"MY EARS HAD HEARD OF YOU BUT NOW MY EYES HAVE SEEN YOU. THEREFORE I DESPISE MYSELF AND REPENT IN DUST AND ASHES."......When we truly get a glimpse of God's holiness, that is when we also get a glimpse of who we really are in God's sight. I think that the more intimately we know Jesus, the more intimately we will know ourselves and our unworthiness. Job finally really knew the Lord he loved and tried to obey and serve. When he did he despised himself and repented in dust and ashes. I don't think that knowing our unworthiness means we live in defeat, but I think it helps us to know where we've come from and to have a great desire not to go back there.

The sermon I heard in church yesterday was titled "Seeking Hard After God." The text was Exodus 33:1-23. The first part of the message focused on Moses and his dialogue with God and his relationship with Him. The 2nd part always focuses on how the scripture applies to our lives. Some points the pastor made that stuck with me were:

Any one of us can have that same kind of relationship, but we have to first realize it even exists.....the relationship that is with the Person of the Holy God.

Point #2 was we have to hunger and thirst for that relationship. "God does not reveal Himself to causual seekers." Deut. 4:29

And for point # 3, the reason for putting this here: I must be willing to pay the price in suffering. Phil. 3:8-10. Another quote our pastor made "Suffering burns out shallowness." That might have been said by Robert Murray McCheyne....he quoted someone and I believe that's who it was. Anyway, it all reminded me of Job. Job definitely sought hard after God. He absolutely went through suffering and He absolutely came into a richer relationship with the Lord because of it. Lon Solomon (our pastor) said that deep, Holy Spirit led Christians are not made by handing them success; they are made through trials and suffering. I can say that the ones I know who have that extra something that is special all suffered. I'm scared of suffering. I want the relationship but I don't want the suffering. I would love for anyone who feels led to pray for me that I would want the relationship no matter what, NO MATTER WHAT!

Thank you for allowing me to post my thoughts here.

Love, Jean

Patty 1/21/2008  

It was a great week in His Word filled with lessons that we can take from Job. I loved your thoughts Bev! I have posted my thoughts on my blog like you asked and do you want me to write it in here to? It is kind of long, as usual.LOL! I am going to visit the other blogs and read what they have learned this week.
Bev, thank you for hosting this. I am having a blast reading God's Word with all of you!
Have a blessed Monday.

Patty 1/21/2008  

Forgot to tell you that I will be praying for you and believing God to heal you so you can go on your trip!

Fran 1/21/2008  

I almost had so much to share that I couldn't figure out what to share. But, I came up with a very small piece of what God spoke to me about....and i shared. Nothing profound. Nothing huge! But, i've seen this happen live in my own life and I just sit back and Thank God for how He restores.

In so many ways, He restores.

I am in love with what we are doing. I could've written pages about what we read this week. This was fantastic reading. You can read more about my thoughts on my blog posting.

Love you all. Praying for everyone!

Shonda 1/21/2008  

Bev, Thanks again for inviting me on this incredible journey through God's word. I pray for you that you will be in full health very soon. I am fighting it as feel it trying to creep into my lungs. But our God is more powerful than mucus in the lungs!

I not a lot to share, but I did complete the readings. I can't fathom the depth of the pain Job experienced in his trial. But I find myself in my trials asking the same questions. I read what the Lord said to Job, I too repented as Job did.

God gave Abraham and Sarah promises and God is faithful. Often, I feel like Sarah and want to jump ahead of God, but it is encouraging that even though Sarah took matters into her own hands, she did not thwart the plans of God.

I posted today for MLK day, but I used the scriptures that ministered to me from the previous readings. I invite all to visit me at Shonda's Journal.

Blessings in Christ--

Shonda 1/21/2008  

I think I figured out how to link. You have to use html code. Visit this site and it explains it in plain language.

Blessing in Christ--

Van 1/21/2008  

I met you over on Laura's WELLBLOG. Thank you for the totally in depth study on Job and your comments. I especially learned from the questions - wow I didn't know God had asked THAT many - and the answers. I learned so much. You are a great teacher.

Anonymous 1/21/2008  

Good morning ladies!
This has been so much fun...I really think that knowing that I am not alone in this journey has helped me to keep going even if I have to do two readings in a day...I love reading all that the Lord speaks to you...isn't that cool!

Bev, thank you again for your heart and boldness to be obedient and to ask others along for the ride...boomerang blessings I believe. I hope you are feeling better each and every day...I am praying to that end.

Well, I had a lot to say as well...I "copied" Nise' last week when I saw that she was doing a weekly post on her blog and did that last week and will each Monday as you can check out my thoughts by going to A Work of Heart here:
Helen's site!

If the link worked...thank you Shonda...if not just click on my screen name!

Bev, I love how you said "Enter my suffering" is very true that we try to avoid it at all costs but to have a different mindset about it and to look to the Lord will make it a different experience despite how hard...great insight and words.

I look forward to reading all your comments and visiting your blogs!


Michelle Bentham Blogspot 1/21/2008  

Bev, I will post (on my blog) about my reflection on Job in a little while - I must review what I have learned not through just reading but relating by experience. Oddly I have tuned into your cover to cover on the two very stories that would bolster my faith and lead me through the darkest times of my life.

Job and Hagar. How God knows what needs to be heard.

You know I am so glad He introduced me to the people in His Word as flesh and blood and not just characters in a story. I believe that the thing you wrote today that most blessed me was that weighing the character of God against what He does for us is not where it is at, but instead just considering the character of God is true in spite of what I feel he does or does not do resonates in my heart of hearts so clearly and so distinctly. I am so blessed to know you. Praying for you this week.


Holly 1/21/2008  

I am praying for you sweet friend, yes, every single day!

I will post on Job tomorrow. Today all our kids are home and two cousins, so I am the official cocoa maker/ coordinator of fun :)

I have been faithful to hear what God has to say to me every much on my heart to write, I don;t even know where to begin.
Love you much and cannot wait to hear about your fun visit to Houston!
I recommend a hot toddy for that croup/ bronchitis. It always seems to help clear it out sooner.

Sharon Brumfield 1/21/2008  

The thing that hit me this past week was that I was reading the very words of God.
I know that the Word is the inspired word of God. But these are the literal words He spoke to Job.
Can you imagine if in some cave somewhere they uncovered a letter that had been written by God. How much it would be worth on the open market? It would be priceless. The person who had it would never want to give it up.
And yet just this past week, I read His very words. For some reason it just blew my mind. It was real. It amazed me when He told Job that He walked the floors of the deep. And that the little birds talk to Him. I have wondered about that before. In all the singing of the birds are they talking to Him? Do they know Him? Now I have my answer.
Kind of funny that the animals recognize who their master is even if we don't.
I just got a really intimate picture of my God this week. The realness of Him.
My God is in control--that thrills me. I don't care what satan is trying to pull--my God was always in control and will always maintain that position. Like Job said--I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.
And that is the God I serve.

Angela Baylis 1/21/2008  

Hey girlfriends!
I wrote a little bit about what stood out to me in the book of Job on my blog. I am a simple girl, but I have to tell you that I absolutely loved reading this book. It really is a love story to all of us. Thanks, Bev for reminding me of that. It's great! I have no idea how to link to my blog... so just click on my name and you can come to my blog. I am enjoying this even more than I had imagined I would.

Bev... I am praying for you for a quick recovery!
Much love to all of you!
Angie xoxo

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/21/2008  

Annette, trying to learn to link...go to my post
Bev's blog !

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/21/2008  

I learned to link tonight...

Thank you Shonda!
Thank you Dave, whoever you are!

Okay, Fran, where am I going to keep the valuable info on how to link? Right next to that ID bracelet for Beth Moore and oh my goodness, where did I put it????

annette 1/21/2008  

You are the techno WIZARD, Bev! Here I am linked up from my site. Very cool. Now I tried to read the link Shonda sent and didn't quite get it, so here I sit with smart friends but alas no html understanding.

Loved everyone's posts. Very rich and personal!

Julie 1/21/2008  

I'm not sure where to write my comments on Job so I will just write them here. Am I supposed to post them on my blog?

I have not been reading along with you all. I am new to blogging. BUT I have read the book of Job, many times.

It's all about restoration. Though it surely doesn't look that way. You find out in the end that it's about God's sifting that sifts all that can be sifted so that only that which is lasting remains. God allowed Job to be sifted. He had a higher purpose for Job's life. He knew that in the midst of the sifting He was building a testimony.

What must it have been like for Job to not have any reference to anyone's story that had suffered like him? Surely he wondered what in the world he had done to deserve this. Surely he struggled with abandonment issues. Through Job we see the struggle of his faith. He's god the "good friends" (NOT) who are telling him, "you screwed up somewhere, buddy". He's got the wife, saying, "just give it all up, curse, God, die". In the end it all comes down to what He believes about God.

I for one am glad that I have the book of Job to read. Because Job's story gives me hope.

Blessings all,

PS. I had boils as a little girl. But I only had one at a time. They are extremely in the world Job dealt with them all over his body is astounding to me.

Thanks for letting me share, even though I didn't read. So, how do you find out what the reading is for the week?

He Knows My Name 1/22/2008  

i gave you something girly!

Julie 1/22/2008  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julie 1/22/2008  

*Note: I deleted my last comment because I made an error and didn't know how to fix it so I just trashed it and started over. How do you edit your comments???? : )

Bev, You are so precious and your comments on my blog bless me SO much you have no idea.

I was ready to quit blogging last night...... just give it all up as well as my dream to be a cheerleader in the hearts of women. It's a long story, but let's just say your words keep me going.

You are a bright spot in my day!

Thank you!

Julie 1/22/2008  

Bev, You are AWESOME. Now I am triple dipping!!! : )

Feedburner is a way that people can subscribe to your blog. When you have a new entry then it sends an email to those who subscribed. Someone sent me an email and told me I should get one so they could subscribe to my blog....sweet, girl!

So, I got one... Now I hope I did it right. We'll see.
It was pretty easy to do, and hopefully I did it right.

You can go to, register and get a feedburner. If you need help, well, if I did mine right, then I will help you! If I didn't, then we both need help! : )

Thank you again for your kind words. I cannot tell you how much they mean to me.


Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/22/2008  

Jean, thank you SO MUCH for posting the beautiful thoughts from your heart. They are always so welcomed here. Take your time. Write as much as you want. That's what this Monday Morning Cover to Cover is for. I just want to encourage everyone to leave more comments on their own blog if they would like cause I think they will greatly encourage the people that visit their blogs. I LOVED your pastor's comments and am so glad you wove that in to Job's. Really does speak to my heart this a.m. Thanks so very much. Bev

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/22/2008  

Annette, I'll come to your blog with great delight and eager anticipation to read your words. You so bring God to me! Bev

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/22/2008  

Patty, I'll be by in a minute or so to read your blog with baited breath as you know I expect God will show up for me! You can always post LONG COMMENTS on my blog anytime esp on Monday Mornings! Love, Bev

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/22/2008  

Fran, I'm coming. I'm coming to my Fran. And I'm waiting for your call. Can't talk yet. But soon. You so make me want to love people, Fran! You so make me feel loved, too! And I love you so much! Bev I'm coming....

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/22/2008  

Shonda, I posted on your blog...Thank you so much for your humble heartfelt e-mails...praying for you, my dear. And do I ever love this journey with you...

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/22/2008  

Van, thanks so much for your kind comments. Every Monday Morning, there are 23 of us who gather here to comment about what stirred in our hearts as we read our chronological bible readings (Reading Through The Bible in a Year) for that week. You are welcome any time or if you'd like come back again on a Monday Morning to hear the stirrings of our beautiful God.

Nise' 1/22/2008  

Bev, I never can remember the html language to link or where I wrote it down, so I write my comments as if I were posting them on my blog use the linky thing and then copy and paste to the comment box. It works for this blond! :o)

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/22/2008  

Michelle, thanks so much for your comments on Job---when you speak, I will listen cause you've been there and know what it means to suffer well.

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/22/2008  

Holly, coming to visit you today to get me dose of Holly---good medicine for my soul. Always great hospitality on your blog. Always feel like I am "home." Just love you to pieces and can't wait to hear all God stirred in your heart.

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/22/2008  

Sharon - that is so unbelievably true...oh my goodness. And who copied down God word for word---was it Job writing it down? Inspired to whom---hard to comprehend the holiness of it all. You always bring such wisdom.

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/22/2008  

Ang, thank you so much and I'll be by to visit soon now that I am a tad better. Just love your tender heart for HIM and others.

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/22/2008  

Julie, on my left sidebar, if you scroll down the sidebar, you will see the chronological reading list for the month of January. You are so welcome to join us. We post on Monday Mornings Cover to Cover here at my host site and there are 23 of us. You can leave a comment or two or your full comment every Monday morning but the best thing to do is link us to your blog and post what stirred in your heart as you read the word of God for that week. That way, your blogging friends will be blessed by the word alive in you as well as all of us. Most of them post a few comments here then link us to theirs---and don't worry, you don't have to know how to link, cause we can click on your name---just let us know that you have posted full comments on your Monday Morning Cover to Cover blog. Would so love for you to do this with us. You'd bring so much to our table! Anyone is welcome at any time. And we have a few that are doing it that remain silent and that's perfectly fine, too!!! So hop on. Loved your "take" on Job!

Mary Lou 1/22/2008  

Bev. what you said about not being able to thwart God's plan for our lives has been bouncing around in my head and heart since yesterday. And also, where God spoke to Job out of the storm...spoke to me that God has calmed me and not the storm that is raging around me....For me to be calm in the midst of it, is truly Him. For a choeric, Type A person it is so evident that it is God. Reading that in Job told me that He had calmed me and not the storm. Job is still so hard for me to read. My meloncholy side just has a hard time with it. What everyone else has written has been a blessing to me and Bev, especially what you have written. You have a gift, dear girl for praying the scriptures over people. I have been blessed by our great God...Praying for you to rest today and for the meds to kick in and make you well. Blessings on you and yours.

Alana 1/22/2008  

Okay, I think I will comment here about Job, but I would love for you guys to come over and read a post I wrote on Sunday. Not a direct result of reading Job, but a direct result of drawing nearer to God through this Bible reading, of that I am sure. Here is the link...

Now on to Job. My favorite part of the reading was Job 38 and 39 when God speaks those beautiful verses highlighting his GREATNESS. You can refresh your memory here...;&version=31;

I also enjoyed reading that in The Message version.

That really puts us all in our place doesn't it? How could we not believe God when he has shown himself to us so powerfully and evidently??

And lastly, I love this verse in The Message version..

Job answered:

"I'm speechless, in awe—words fail me. I should never have opened my mouth! I've talked too much, way too much. I'm ready to shut up and listen."

I don't think I need to elaborate on that one. Enough said!

Praying for Our Friend Joanne Psalm 131:3 Waiting on God. Hope Now. Hope Always.

House of Blessing Tribal Childrens Home

House of Blessing Tribal Childrens Home
"Whoever welcomes a little child in My Name, welcomes Me." Matthew 18:5 We have posted pictures of the orphans receiving their gifts from you. Scroll down to the post entitled "Today Was the Big Day." Many orphans didn't own anything of their own, but now do, because of you.

My Family

My Family
Britt, Blair, Bev, Bob, Brooke, Barrett


I've met some amazing women through blogging. I would love to hear from you. My personal e-mail is:
I have another blog where I blog daily as a small group of us read through the New Testament this year. It's called A String of Pearls. We carry each other on mats (when we just can't walk anymore) to Jesus and sweet things like that.


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