Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"Ive Got the Walking Pneumonia & the Boogey Woogey Blues"

Couldn't drive to Houston today for our mini-retreat---postponed it for one more day in bed as I am still not well. Tried to get up yesterday and lead our Stepping Up bible study but my body said it was "too much." Some precious young women are there waiting for me, so please pray that I can drive down Friday morning. Thanks again to all of you for your very kind comments and prayers. Our internet has been down most of the morning so I'm only able to check in and out intermittently. Will try to post later today.

I called my good friend on the way to the doctor yesterday and she told me to make sure to ask for a steroid shot. Do they give those these days?? I haven't been sick in ages. But I knew something was way wrong in my chest. Sure enough. Croup. Bronchitis. Ear infection. Walking Pneumonia. I didn't remember to ask for a steroid shot as I was struggling just to breathe. They put me on a breathing treatment of steroids and albuterol which got my blood pressure up to a place where it was okay. My bp was so low and the amount of oxygen I was getting in my lungs was limited---so that's why I felt like I was gasping for air throughout the whole weekend. They put me on 3 meds: Levaquin, an inhaled steroid/albuterol, and a cough med w/steroids and codeine to knock me out.

That's me at the kitchen sink trying to get the cough med down. My husband is asleep on the couch a few feet away. So, I woke him up to tell him that I just could have died taking that stuff and he slept through it. Okay, so I'm being dramatic! I got it down!

11pm - Wonder why the codeine isn't making me drowsy? I'll blog some. So I leave some comments PROMISING I will not leave LONG COMMENTS AGAIN. I am feeling the effects of the meds.

12pm - I wake my husband up again to sing to him Johnny Rivers song "I've Got the Walking Pneumonia & the Boogey Woogey Blues," but he's never heard of it. Still WIDE AWAKE so we went to bed.

1am - I am praying around the world right now
2am - Still up trying to whisper to Bob who is sleeping
3am - Still up --- "Hey, Bob" I just remembered 'it's Rockin' Pneumonia & the Boogey Woogey Blues...THAT'S A MONDEGREEN, misheard lyric you know, he thanked me and went back to sleep. I did try to ask him about the topic of the fight we had Sunday night but we couldn't remember...that's important in my stream of consciousness---I remembered around 3:45am...it was about forgetting to buy me orange juice and that's what he went to the store to get for me...how silly of me to throw a pneumonia tantrum
4am - Still up and the "outside" dog has made her way into the room---hope it's the dog in the dark
5am - Psssst. Bob, your alarm just went off. And these are the words that came out of my mouth at 5am---"I want to paint a vision for your day today, Bob. May you go from humbly horizontal to victoriously vertical. " Where did that come from?? Unusual words. You see, I kept him up SO MUCH last night between coughing and pssssst's and he was so humble about it.

So, I drive my little one to school. There's a bridge we cross every day over Lake Worth. I always pray silently or out loud when I hit the bridge--it's a signpost for me. This morning, I prayed out loud for Britt's varsity basketball game tonight that they win and make it to the playoffs, prayed for his coach & wife, prayed for the little fella (he's 6'4"). I told my good God that my days are numbered with this 16-year-old sitting by my side. He'll soon be driving himself. How I will miss the prayers we have shared together over this bridge every day this school year. I told my God how I was so proud of the young man Britt was becoming and asked our God if He would continue to grow Britt into a man after His Heart. And I prayed for him the words of Paul in II Thes 1: 11,12 - may God fulfill every desire that Britt has for righteousness, every good purpose of Britt's, every act prompted by Britt's faith, and work a work of faith with power that the name of our Lord Jesus be glorified in Britt and that he be glorified in HIM. You see, it's been a year of testing for Britt and what he will do with peer pressure. He wants to follow his Christ. With tears streaming down my face, I looked over at him. Our eyes met. No words. I invited him to pray and he did that he wouldn't mess up at school today. I just hope he finds God if he does. I don't want him to live just a moral principled life---I want him to find his God!

I did pray for you last night in my multitude of waking moments that God would give you water in your desert. Isaiah 41:17,18. And this a.m. my thoughts go to that verse that I prayed for Britt. May our glorious God by His power fulfill every good purpose of yours today and every act prompted by your faith this day. Remember this steroid laden mom in your prayers today, "I've got the Walkin' Pneumonia and the Boogey Woogey Blues."


Michelle Bentham Blogspot 1/22/2008  


I can so relate to your midnight "madness" but I belive something else was happening - you see you have been so raw and tender over your recent problems and crises that it is possible you have not been completely vulnerable before God. He may not have allowed the codiene to kick in because you needed an all night prayer session with Him. How do I know - I had the very same experience after I had knee surgery last summer. I will post details when I get my thoughts together about it on my own blog, but I know that something amazing happened that night and in the few nights that followed - I received such encouragement and blessing from the Lord. Now, my family thought I lost my mind, but I knew God was reaching a deep place inside of me that I had never experienced before.

Listen closely to His voice now, I remember exactly what you described only I was immobile with a huge bandage on my knee and I had awakened my husband three times to get me a piece of paper and a pen so I could write down what was running through my head - and I mean running! It was hilarious, now that I look back on it but it was also a time of such breakthrough.

Be blessed and rest today!

annette 1/22/2008  

I'm laughing out loud, then a big lump gets in my throat and I think a tear just spilled out. What a night you had, and a morning filled with our beautiful God. He's in each breath you take, though labored, He's in each thought. And you are in my prayers this day. I thought as I read this "He gives songs in the night." Get some rest, dear friend. Love, annie

Susan 1/22/2008  

I've been praying similar prayers for Shawn. He'll be 18 in June. Struggles with the peer pressure, but thankfully, the peers he most hangs out with are great kids. All struggling, of course, but still great kids. Sarah says Shawn is lucky...he doesn't hang with "the popular kids". lol. I said, "oh...and you DO? So you aren't so lucky?" She struggles with the peer pressure in a huge way. Huge way. I am on my knees/face for that girl constantly. How can two children be so different?

Your prayers for Britt brought tears to my eyes, but joy to my heart.

Hope you are already feeling better this afternoon...

love yu

Toknowhim 1/22/2008  

Again, so sorry that my friend is so sick... Although you missed sleeping last night, I love the recap, and yes you do have a good hubby to be so gentle to you through the night.

I love how you love your kids, and how you pray for them. I too hope that when my boys come to the Lord it is so much more than living a moral life. I hope that their passion for God exceeds mine a million times over, and that He is their ever living breath. I need to do my part, and pray for these things.

I would bring you some chicken soup if I was there... or whatever you bring to someone with the "Walking Pneumonia and the Boogey Woogey Blues"...Love ya much...

Janelle 1/22/2008  

I hope you are getting some much needed sleep today. What a night you had!

I pray for moments like you had with your son. I love the stage mine are in, but long for a day when we can really talk about things and God. I so want a relationship like you just described.

What a beautiful testimony today!

Feel better soon.

connorcolesmom 1/22/2008  

HEHE - I am so not laughing at you just at the situation. I loved the comment you made that you were trying to figure out what you and hubby were arguing about and then remembered it was OJ - LOL!!

While I was sick I did not sleep for 2 weeks straight. It was not because I was not tired I just would cough everytime I closed my eyes and went to sleep. It was awful. I finally went back into the DR in tears and said please give me something so I can sleep. However I did not know I had pertussis and the only thing that makes it better is zithromax no breathing treatments nothing helps.
I pray that you will get better VERY soon.
Love ya,

Anonymous 1/22/2008  

Oh Bev,
You make me laugh...at least you have a sense of humor despite your illness.
I started an email prayer to you yesterday but got interupted and never returned...but please know that I have been and will continue to prayer for your healing and to see these fellow sisters in Christ...the struggle and sleepless nights will be worth it.
Oh and yes my dear...you are more than welcome to use the image for the cover to cover...I just made it from www.imagechef.com. I was thinking yesterday that maybe I should have written Holy Bible instead...but I am glad you like it...so use away...

Try to rest...and I hope the game tonight goes well...I must say, my oldest (18) didn't turn out for basketball this year...long story there...but I was thrilled to not have a sport this season...basketball seems to last so long but I must say, I have been kind of missing it...so cheer for me tonight and cheer with your hands and not your voice!


Fran 1/22/2008  

I just love you Bev Brandon! I pray you didn't sleep the day away or you are gonna be all messed up!

Thank you for showing your heart. You teach me so much. "Thank you Jesus for this amazing woman. Bless her abundantly today....surprise her Lord!"


Alana 1/22/2008  

Sweet Bev. I hope you are starting to feel better today. I'm praying SLEEP for you tonight...bless your heart!

I'm so inspired by your kids and your relationship with them. I just wish I could have all of your wisdom right now so I can do it up right!

Love you, friend!

BethAnne 1/22/2008  

I was laughing (with you, not at you) reading this post. When my baby Kaden was born he was a month early and his little lungs were not exactly healthy. We brought him home with a 'breathing machine' and some albuterol. I had to wake up every 3 hours to give him breathing treatments for over a month. I would hold the repirator thingie over his nose and mouth and get down really close to sing to him. I began noticing that I could not go to sleep in between treatments. It was like I had more energy and pep than ever. Turns out I was getting a little too close to the albuterol and it was making me hyper and overly alert.
Not being able to sleep is the WORST! I pray you get some rest and get over this crud you have!
Oh, and my hubs loves to wake me up from sleep with his own pssst's and it just makes me mad --- be thankful for your husband's sweet disposition (I am not that sweet). hahahahahahhahaha

Denise 1/22/2008  

What a beautiful story...Made me laugh out loud...... I think attitude is everything in our lives.. I just cannot imagine the relationship that you have with your husband.. Waking him up to sing to him......how funny... I am so sorry that you have been so sick and I will pray that you get some rest and recover quickly... I find that when I get too busy and I do not get the rest I need I open myself up to sickness.(I get sick every year around Thanksgiving and Christmas) Take care my friend and I will try to get with the program on the Bible Study...... Life is not user friendly here..... but God is still on the throne of my life...


Crystal 1/22/2008  

Get well soon! :) Prayers of healing and restoration for body and soul coming your way!! And what a sweet and special time you have with your son every morning!

Profbaugh 1/23/2008  

Oh Bev,

You have such a wonderful talent for taking the reader from laughter to tears in the same post! What a blessing you are my dear friend. Know that I'm praying for you, REST, and healing.

Love ya,

Julie 1/23/2008  

I love your heart....the tenderness, the joy, the ability to see God, the vulnerability.

Thank you for sharing it with me.

I pray that you were able to sleep and are on the road to recovery.

I remember that song....."Walking pneumonia and boogie, woogie blues. It's running through my head now.... : )

Have a blessed day,

Bev Brandon @ The Fray 1/23/2008  

Julie, thank you for your kind words to me. I've been waiting for someone else to sing that song with me...but I think it's a pretty old song like back in the horse-and-carriage day as my kids would say. It's a mondegreen for me---I have always said Walkin' Pneumonia & the Boogey Woogey Blues until the other night, it's like it popped in...it's ROCKIN' Pneumonia...just had to wake Bob up to tell him. Can't get the song OUT OF MY HEAD...

Holly 1/23/2008  

I love you, Bev. I just do! That's all! OH, and I have been praying for you to be able to go on Thursday and to feel better right quick now, ya hear?

Patty 1/23/2008  

I am still praying for you! I just wanted to drop in and say hi and check in on you!


Fran 1/23/2008  

Praying that our sweet Bev has turned the corner and is on the mend and getting ready for her big trip! :)

Love ya~

Angela Baylis 1/23/2008  

I'm still praying for you too, Bev! Hopefully you'll get a good night's sleep tonight!

Much Love,
Angie xoxo

Laura 1/23/2008  

Bless your heart! I don't know the song, but I can tell it is a catchy one! I love to read your thoughts, even in your manic state! Mostly I love the way scripture is part of your dialog and how you pray so fervently for your children. I am praying fervently for your good health! You are a blessing, lady!
Laura B.

He Knows My Name 1/23/2008  

bev, i'm so sorry you got the walking pneumonia & the boogey woogey blues. the stuff the dr. gave you is a great treatment. that antibiotic is a very good one for this. as soon as you have a few days worth in you, you'll take a turn for the better. fluids, fluids, fluids, pee, pee, pee. that's what you want.

your ride with your son... mmm,mmm,mmm. you have some tender moments with your kids that are awesome. now about that blessing you gave to your husband, it was the codine talking.:) cute tho.

Profbaugh 1/24/2008  

Just checking in. . .glad to hear your a tad bit better. Praying for you Sis!


Mary Lou 1/24/2008  

Bev, was hoping to "hear" from you by now, to see if you are better. Let us know soon..been praying for you to be better and make your trip. Blessings....

Shonda 1/24/2008  

I hope you are feeling better. I've been praying for you. I have an award for you over on my blog.

Blessings in Christ--

Kristin 1/24/2008  

I popped in Tuesday and was so sorry to hear that you were so sick! Didn't have time to comment, but have been praying for you and your upcoming trip (today, I think). So hope you are able to go and enjoy yourself!
Thanks so much for your prayers. I feel wrapped in God's love for me. Love you friend ~ Kristin

Toknowhim 1/24/2008  


Thanks for stopping by today and leaving your refreshing words!!! I am hoping you are feeling better, and I sure wish I was road-trippin with you to Houston... What fun we would have talking all the way!! Blessings sweet Bev (my blogging mentor!!)

Shelly 1/24/2008  

Your post is got me cracking up! But I am hating that you are SOOO sick. Goodness gracious - calling upon the Great Physician for you.

Thank you for coming back to my blogworld that has been MIA for so long!

Rest and more rest girlfriend. Wow...believing the Lord for you! And a divine deliverance of some orange juice :)

Lindsee Lou 1/24/2008  

You are so sick and are still such a fabulous blogger! How do you do it, sweet friend. SO sad you aren't feeling well, and that you ddin't sleep last night. I hate that for you! Ok, so I have to be honest and tell you that I have not done one day of the reading with y'all. Keeping up with Breaking Free (because yes, I'm doing it!!!) is hard enough with my (new) schedule. But, I did do Gen. last semester and do have some comments from last weeks reading. I just need to find time to compile them all!

I so hope you have enough energy to make it to Houston this weekend. I know you would be so sad to miss being with your friends! I'm praying for a miracle recovery!!

Love you, sweet friend! IF you ever come to bible study this semester, you HAVE to let me know!


(Wow, that was like the longest comment ever!)

jennyhope 1/24/2008  

BEV!! how are you? i have been praying. i so hope you are getting better. praying!! love u

Julie 1/24/2008  

Bev, I just tagged you. Check out my blog and you will see the Meme I tagged you for. It shows the rules and what to do.

How are you feeling???


Praying for Our Friend Joanne Psalm 131:3 Waiting on God. Hope Now. Hope Always.

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