"Never confuse your perception of yourself with the Mystery that you really are accepted." It's a quote f
rom a book I'm reading and it so touches deep places in me. To know that I am accepted just like I am by the God who hung the starry hosts in the sky last night. Incredible. Did you see the full moon? Took my breath away when it peeked through the trees. I jogged under the light of the shimmering moon---that's new for me. I've always been so afraid to venture out alone at night unless in a car. Sure, it's wise to be careful. But, this is a new place for me to face my fears and not be immobilized by them and I am old! So grateful to my God for this shift. For it's no longer about management of my fear, it's about His perfect Love casting that fear out. Be gone!
Thank you for your phone calls and e-mail's this week concerning the direction of our future as we believe God is leading us to back into the ministry at this time. I've been deadline driven on a project this week so I've been unavailable to reply quickly. We interviewed last weekend down in Austin at a church full of beautiful and courageous and friendly folks. It was such a joy to be with them. It went so well, except that I packed my make-up bag in my son's car. My son at home didn't need the make-up---I DID in Austin!!! Tell Bob he is very fortunate that his wife made it out of CVS only spending $14.82 on new make-up. If I had found time to go to a department store to replace the stuff---oh my!!! Had to "make do" with the drugstore variety make-up and pray for peace in my heart not to look my best ---and peace came!
The offer to be a part of their church staff is "on hold" for another week or so. Will let you know as God leads us. Pray for our family that we would hear His Voice saying "this is the way, walk in it." We've lived here for 33 years and it's a leap of faith. I've thought a lot this week about the story of Hezekiah where God gives him 15 more years to live. What did he do with it? He missed his God for pride swelled in his heart. If God gives us more years in ministry, I do not want to miss Him!
We've had several calls this week from our sweet girl Brooke in Thailand, who is struggling with some unexplained health issues that landed her in the hospital this week. Please pray for my precious girl that the doctors have wisdom as they try to relieve the chest pains she is having.
You and I are accepted by our God just where we are this moment! I don't have to do one thing to win his Love! May you know deep in your heart what He thinks of you this day.
I saw that very same moon set behind the mountains this morning at 5:45 am. It was so beautiful, I didn't move to get the camera--just watched and thanked the LORD for it. To think that my friend Bev was jogging under that same moon!!
Praying for you, your Brookie, your deadline, your fear and live--may all His blessings begin to fall upon you. For as long as you have suffered (and longer!), may He bring blessing.
Love you!
Bev, I've been praying in earnest for you all, all week. I know you read the verses that I read this morning but when I read Isaiah 43:18-19...He spoke Bev to my heart...I wrote your name there.then He also said your name when I read Psalm 45:2-3. He probably said the same to you, but He whispered your name to me. then also in the same chapter....vs. 5-7. Then in Psalm 68:7-10....i had written beside it, He's my provider.......Praying for your Brooke....Saw you at Life Today with Beth.....Holly wrote that you all were at that taping...I spotted you. Blessings Mary Lou
My heart is getting the fear cast out by HIS perfect love. Amazing how the chronological reading scriptures speak right to where I am at. It's His amazing grace. God is so good.
Praying for Brooke and the doctors. Still praying for you as you wait to hear. We are loved by the Most High God. Amazing Grace!
Have a blessed weekend!
Engrafted by His Grace-
Rom. 11:17
I spent 40 some years letting fear run my life. And though I have to keep it in check I am so happy God has freed me from that. I have prayed for Brook, and your new future, for healing and for your peace.
What I came over here for is to tell you to come to my blog, I have something for you.
There's nothing... NO THING that we could ever do to make God love us more than He does right now, and there is not one thing we could ever, that is EVER do to make Him love us less... Knowing Him in that light gives love a whole new meaning.
Blessings Bev, and beautiful post. FEAR BE GONE! Abide in His Word, know the truth and you shall be free (John 10:9-10) Love ya.
I needed to hear this today after a loved one and I had a "discussion" where some hurtful things were said. These things feel like labels stuck to my very soul at this moment. But I know God doesn't see us this way.
I'm praying for you and your family, sister. I know God has a wonderful plan for you!
I'm praying for you and your family and for your girls! Thank you for that sweet reminder that we are loved by God right where we are!
I wrote in the side of a book I am reading this week, a quote excerpt--"Live like you are Loved." And we are so loved. Therein lies our peace as nothing is fearful dwelling in that knowledge. You are a mighty brave daughter of His, Bev, not so much in your run in the night this week, as your sustained plodding along through the darkness these last two years. He loves you so. You touch me deeply with your perseverence in Him. Love, Annette
I saw a comment on the Siesta blog about a move and so I came over to see where you were going.
I am so glad to see that things are moving forward and that God has provided a church for ya'll. And I am also glad that you are going to still be able to go to SA.
With our move I really did not have a peace about making the trip.
I hope ya'll have a great time...give Holly a hug for me.
Congrats and I pray that you see why God has had you where you were.
He was preparing the way to something incredible.
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