Sunday, November 8, 2009

God Showed Up at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

Locked out of my own car! Actually, it's the mechanics fixxer-upper car I was locked out of---our Pathfinder is still in the shop since June 17th---ha! I saw the car keys on the seat as I swung the door shut! Waiting 2 hours on the curb of the Hyde Park Post Office for Mr. Pop-A-Lock...and a friend calls to tell me a quote: Hmmmm. I found a piece of paper and a pen on the ground and jotted the Crabb quote down: "Life gets steeper so that strength must increase as weakness intensifies."

I have been struggling over here with my health on these new cancer meds. I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Working full-time and totally exhausted. That's why I haven't been online---just can't do it right now. But, I think that I am struggling well not wanting to improve my life but to invite the beautiful God I so adore into my mess and invest in what lasts forever. It has been a very difficult two months in so many ways. More trials than usual. I thought if only I could get through the 36 radiation treatments this summer, I'd be okay. But, no, Acts 14:22 says it is necessary that we encounter a few troubles on the way into the Kingdom. And we never know when those troubles may come.

My health decline as well as my circumstances have only exacerbated the mess in my own heart. I have been fainting again in the middle of the night. Low blood pressure that sinks way too low. It only lasts a second or two but the experience is horrific as I lose control of my body and even have a tiny bit of paralysis where I cannot talk or think straight. I'm always able to fall right back asleep but it is such a scary thing to go through. It has been happening about every other night. God is giving me courage. I did the Susan G. Komen Race---20,000 runners. I ran smack into one of my oncologists who ran a mile with me and gave me unbelievable counsel as to what was going on. It was as though God was standing right there reaching out to me! Acts 17:26---HE has appointed our times and boundaries so we will seek Him and reach out to HIM and find Him. And I am! And it doesn't get any better than that!

Here's where it gets exciting. I'm entering a rest I have never known before. There's an unlocked door in my heart that my Defender, my Savior, my good God is inviting me into. HE is the Doorkeeper. HE is the one engineering everything. And we are on our way into the Kingdom!

I cannot thank you enough for all of your texts, notes, comments and calls, lately. They have meant a lot to me at a time where I have not been able to respond back because of several health issues. I had a bone scan this week because I have continued to bruise easily. A minor accident turned major.

This coming Friday begins my first three-day examination since being diagnosed with cancer. I'll know by Friday at 5:00pm if the cancer is still there. After my third surgery, cancer was still present and the plan was to attack it with radiation. We'll see if that plan worked. If you think about me on Friday, please pray for Peace from a good God Whom I so trust. John 16:33---in ME, you will have Peace, not in the escape or solution of our issues. I think I am doing well in the midst of some hard times over here. I don't know. I just know that a very good God keeps showing up at Post Office curbs and Komen 10K races and at a tiny apartment on the southside of town. Looking up! So grateful for your friendship! My Love to each of you!


Toknowhim 11/08/2009  

A breath of fresh air to read your blog once again... Love to you sweet Bev!!!

Laura 11/08/2009  

Praying for you my sweet friend. Been thinking of you and know that you are so loved. We may never have met in person but there is a bond that can only be described by the LORD. He is awesome. May you have a wonderful day and praying for you during your testing this week.


beckyjomama 11/08/2009  

Sweet Bev - you have never left our thoughts and prayers. I lift you high at every thought of you - and there are many of those! You are loved and carried every step of this journey!

Becky Jo

Patty 11/08/2009  

I am so glad you were able to get on and check in, I can't even begin to know what to say other than I love you and I pray God's peace will invade every part of your heart, mind and soul this Friday!
Love you Bev,

Rhonda 11/08/2009  

So glad to hear from you. Will be praying on Friday:=)

Mary Lou 11/08/2009  

There are no words..TANW...will be praying. Think of you often and lift you up. Have checked several times a day to see if you have posted...understand why you haven't. Will be praying for you Friday and all the days of the examination. I have your name written by several verses in my Bible that you gave me last year when we read the Bible thru together. You are very special tome even though we have never met face to face. I feel we have met heart to heart. you are special to me..I call you by friend in TX..and Annette is my friend in TX too..I have a way I tell you apart to my husband when I talk of you and how you have blessed me. My verses to you for right now are Isaiah 43:1-2...they have given me much peace the last two weeks. May they give you much peace in the weeks to come. Love, Mary Lou

Shonda 11/08/2009  

I've missed reading your posts and updates, but understand. I pray for you regularly. I'm thankful the Lord gives you such encouragement to press on in HIM. Lots of love to you!

Anonymous 11/08/2009  

So happy to hug your eldest daughter and catch up on Thursday. Now, we continue to pray that God's hand of healing carries you through this week. You are loved. And you are a blessing by your sheer willingness to be transparent. Much love from Fort Worth!
Kristen W

Holly 11/08/2009  

I love you, friend. Am praying for Friday, for all the details of God's plan to come in their time and season and perfection. Read that perfection. He is perfecting every detail, not a single part is out opf His scope or ability. He do-eth!

And I have a verse, too, I really don't know it must be from God! Same verse in Matthew 22:43-44 and Psalm 110:1-2

"The LORD says to my Lord:
"Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies
a footstool for your feet."
2 The LORD will extend your mighty scepter from Zion;
you will rule in the midst of your enemies."

Read ALL of Psalm 110.


Anonymous 11/08/2009  

im praying for you this week and friday!
Nicole D

Sharon Brumfield 11/09/2009  

It is so good to hear from you!
You are on my mind often and I pray for you.
How I pray that you would feel His presence near...that you would continue to know your God is walking with you to strengthen you in your weakness.
Thank you for sharing your journey....I will continue to pray...wish I was there to help.
Sending more prayers up on your behalf sister. Love you! ((hugs))

Sylvia's Song 11/09/2009  

Bev, I have missed you and have checked your blog. When I observe no update I pray as I understand what you wrote in your Sept 13 blog.
Oh, how I pray God's amazing grace, mercy and peace on you as you continue this journey. Even though we still have not met, I have no words to express to you how your blogpost have taught me more of how to live a life with Christ no matter what. Thank you for the pushing past the pain when God calls you to post a blog and resting in Him when you need to. Thank you for being so transparent and allowing me to grow more in Christ myself.
I have a sister with breast cancer that is in remission right now. Your blog blesses me richly.

I continue to pray grace, mercy as peace as you live out this week with Christ no matter what.

By His Grace,
Sylvia V.
Jersey Village, TX

He Knows My Name 11/09/2009  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dee 11/09/2009  

Just want you to know that I love you as so many others do. I will be praying.

Anonymous 11/09/2009  

How beautiful you are in person, spirit and soul. Your love for others and most of all Jesus and the Father radiates from you always. Thank you for sharing, caring and putting others before yourself.
You are loved and prayed for.

Anonymous 11/12/2009  

Awesome! You're in our prayers also! Remember that our bodies are mere tents, prone to decay in some way. But oooh to have a hope in Glory! To rest in the shadow of The Almighty, secure in His purpose and His plan, that's the place to be! May He continue to wrap you in those great big ole' arms of His! Live blessed!

Bobbie 11/12/2009  

It was so good to stop by your blog and see your entry! My prayers will continue and I'll certainly be praying on Friday. Praying for strength and courage and lots of loving arms around you, even cyber hugs...feel them and know you're in our hearts.


Praying for Our Friend Joanne Psalm 131:3 Waiting on God. Hope Now. Hope Always.

House of Blessing Tribal Childrens Home

House of Blessing Tribal Childrens Home
"Whoever welcomes a little child in My Name, welcomes Me." Matthew 18:5 We have posted pictures of the orphans receiving their gifts from you. Scroll down to the post entitled "Today Was the Big Day." Many orphans didn't own anything of their own, but now do, because of you.

My Family

My Family
Britt, Blair, Bev, Bob, Brooke, Barrett


I've met some amazing women through blogging. I would love to hear from you. My personal e-mail is:
I have another blog where I blog daily as a small group of us read through the New Testament this year. It's called A String of Pearls. We carry each other on mats (when we just can't walk anymore) to Jesus and sweet things like that.


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